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Year end letter

Dear friends,

Three years ago, the Lord planted us in Phoenix, Arizona, to minister to Native American children and youth. Working to spread the Gospel to these young people, the focus has been on building relationships through camps, Bible studies, and personal visits.

Opposition to the Good News is real in many Native Nations. The lack of hope due to addiction, violence, suicide, and broken families can make life seem meaningless. Hope found in Jesus Christ is the only solution that can break through the darkness of Satan’s grip.

One way to reach Native children and youth is through the camps program. Kids from both Arizona and New Mexico travel with us to Prescott, Arizona, where the temperatures are cooler and where God’s creation is evident in the rocks, lakes, and trees. It is a much different landscape from the desert that makes up many reservations. During these weekends, campers get to hear Biblical messages and participate in fun, outdoor activities such as rock climbing, zip lining, kayaking, and more. These times are essential in building relationships with campers.

Camps are followed up with mailed devotionals, online Bible studies, and individual visits, which provide other opportunities for discipleship. This year, the camps ministry touched the lives of 65 separate campers. Eight of those prayed the sinner’s prayer to trust Jesus with their life for the first time.

In 2023, we hope to start a new program that allows our teens to serve and lead our elementary campers. The program will be called the Service and Leadership Team (SaLT). SaLT members will be trained on Biblical reasons for serving and leading others as well as have opportunities to do so. It is our prayer that God would use these teens as leaders in their community to spread the Gospel.

We are all aware of inflation and the impact it has had on budgets. Housing costs, food, transportation, postage, and all other ministry costs have risen dramatically resulting in a need for either more funding or less ministry.

Would you be willing to give financially to keep camps going and to help launch SaLT? Please pray about it, and if you feel led to help, you can fill out the enclosed support slip. You can also give online by going to or. .

We are excited about what God is doing here in the Southwest! We pray that you’ll join Him in making disciples of all nations!


Doug & Becky Darfus


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